
Arizona State Director
Arizona headquarters

P.O. Box 18404

Tucson, AZ 85731


Mike Quigley's headshot

Zach Bright

Mike Quigley is our Arizona State Director.

Mike's primary focus is on gaining additional designations and administrative protections for Arizona's important wildlands. He also works with colleagues at The Wilderness Society to craft and implement work in the state. This often has him working with local partners, highlighting the many values wilderness provides, connecting people with special places and exploring common ground with a variety of interest groups.

Mike had previously worked with Sky Island Alliance, a regional conservation organization in Tucson. In addition to his strong conservation background, Mike has a diverse professional background including Top Secret security clearance with the State Department working in American embassies overseas, working as a development chemist, working in software development and working for the Governor of Delaware. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences and English literature (dual major) and a Master's degree in English literature from the University of Delaware.