705 Christensen Drive
Anchorage, AK 99501
Mason Cummings, The Wilderness Society
He joined the team in Anchorage in 2014. His research focuses on understanding movements and distributions of large herbivores in response to environmental factors and human impacts. Currently, much of his work considers caribou responses to energy development in Arctic Alaska. Previous research investigated impacts of elephants on vegetation and large herbivores in southern Africa. Tim has a B.S. in Animal Biology from the University of California, Davis, a M.S. in Interdisciplinary Ecology from The University of Florida, and a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Florida. When he is not working, Tim enjoys hiking and camping, wildlife photography, board games, and visiting zoos with his wife and two kids.
Fullman TJ, Person BT, Prichard AK, Parrett LS (2021) Variation in winter site fidelity within and among individuals influences movement behavior in a partially migratory ungulate. PLOS ONE 16(9): e0258128.
Fullman TJ, Wilson R, Joly K, Gustine D, Leonard P, Loya W (2021) Mapping potential effects of proposed roads on migratory connectivity for a highly mobile herbivore using circuit theory. Ecological Applications 31(1): e2207.
Fullman TJ, Sullender BK, Cameron MD, Joly K (2021) Simulation modeling accounts for uncertainty while quantifying ecological effects of development alternatives. Ecosphere 12(5): e03530.
Doerr A, Emery N, Ficken C, Scherer A, Fullman T, Reichenborn M (2020) Human dimensions: Professional development for the everyday early-career ecologist. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101(3): e01695.
Fullman TJ, Joly K, Ackerman A (2017) Effects of environmental features and sport hunting on caribou migration in northwestern Alaska. Movement Ecology, 5: 4.
Belote RT, Dietz MS, Jenkins CN, McKinley PS, Irwin GH, Fullman TJ, Leppi JC, Aplet GH (2017) Wild, connected, and diverse: building a more resilient system of protected areas. Ecological Applications, 27(4): 1050-1056.
Belote RT, Dietz MS, McKinley PS, Carlson AA, Carroll C, Jenkins CN, Urban DL, Fullman TJ, Leppi JC, Aplet GH (2017) Mapping conservation strategies under a changing climate. BioScience, 67(6): 494-497.
Fullman TJ, Kiker GA, Gaylard A, Southworth J, Waylen P, Kerley GIH (2017) Elephants respond to resource trade-offs in an aseasonal system through daily and annual variability in resource selection. Koedoe, 59(1): a1326.
Fullman TJ, Bunting EL, Kiker G, Southworth J (2017) Predicting shifts in large herbivore distributions under climate change and management using a spatially-explicit ecosystem model. Ecological Modelling, 352: 1-18.
Bunting EL, Fullman TJ, Kiker G, Southworth J (2016) Utilization of the SAVANNA model to analyze future patterns of vegetation cover in Kruger National Park under changing climate. Ecological Modelling, 342: 147-160.
Fullman TJ, Bunting EL (2014) Analyzing vegetation change in an elephant-impacted landscape using the Moving Standard Deviation Index. Land, 3: 74-104.
Fullman TJ, Child B (2013) Water distribution at local and landscape scales affects tree utilization by elephants in Chobe National Park, Botswana. African Journal of Ecology, 51(2): 235-243.
Callis KL, Christ LR, Resasco J, Armitage DW, Ash JD, Caughlin TT, Clemmensen SF, Copeland SM, Fullman TJ, Lynch RL, Olson C, Pruner RA, Vieira-Neto EHM, West-Singh R, Bruna EM (2009) Improving Wikipedia: educational opportunity and professional responsibility. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 24(4): 177-179.