It is impossible to think of Wyoming without picturing wild, majestic spaces like Yellowstone National Park, the Wind River Range and Devils Tower National Monument. Indeed, nearly half the state's acreage is managed as part of national public lands that belong to all Americans. Those rugged and wild lands help define what it means to live here, which is why 8 in 10 Wyomingites call themselves "conservationists."
But wild places in Wyoming are facing major threats thanks to the efforts of the Trump administration and extreme politicians. These include proposals to slash sensible environmental rules and prioritize energy development above all else, exemplified by the possibility of oil and gas drilling in the stark and stunning Northern Red Desert.
Wyoming’s beloved lands belong to all of us and have been stewarded for many decades by hard-working folks who live close to them. They are, quite simply, “Our Wild.” And the best gift we can give future generations is to make sure these lands stay healthy, whole and safe for all to enjoy.
In order to protect #OurWild way of life, we need more Wyomingites to join the fight against Trump’s attacks on public lands.