Wildlife watching
Steve Hildebrand, USFWS
Learning about wildlife habits and habitat before venturing into wilderness will increase your chances of an encounter. It will also help keep you from unintentionally harming them and their home.
A little preparation can go a long way to increasing your chances of eyeing spectacular wildlife.
Our nation’s national wildlife refuges provide sanctuary to wild creatures and wonderful opportunities for viewing them. Check out the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s handy map to find a refuge in your area. Or search recreation.gov for more public recreation areas with wildlife viewing near you.
Each season presents a different occasion for viewing wildlife. For instance, spring and fall bird migrations give you a chance to see many unusual species.
Time of day is important, too. Visiting at dawn and dusk, when many animals feed, offers the best moments to spot wildlife.
There are a few ways you can increase your odds of a wildlife encounter:
Human visitors can change wildlife behaviors and habitat for the worse. Adhere to these guidelines to prevent adverse consequences: