
Environmental voices of 2021: Where are they now?

Chris Liu_Outdoor Asian

How was the year for local activists?

Early in 2021, we reached out to a number of local activists across the country who were making amazing strides in their fields, often despite adversity.

These activists were working to protect green spaces, guarantee clean air and water in their communities and make sure everyone has equitable access to nature. 

We asked them: "What do you hope to accomplish in the environmental field in 2021?" and received some inspiring responses. As the year comes to a close, they are letting us know if their goals were met and what ultimately gave them hope. Check out their responses below!

Amber Reimondo

Amber Reimondo_ActivistAmber Reimondo is the Energy Program Director at the Grand Canyon Trust in Flagstaff, Arizona. Follow her on InstagramTwitter and Facebook.

"With the hard work of tribes, partner NGOs, and community members, permanent protection for the Grand Canyon region from uranium mining has made more progress than ever before. This year has been a reminder that nothing important comes easily, but together, with persistence and patience, we can make important progress."

Chevon Powell

Chevon Powell_ActivistOwner of Golden Bricks Events, a company that creates special events and festivals that showcase the voices and faces of people of color in the outdoors, she is also the founder of Refuge Outdoor Festival and an outdoor advocate and activist. Follow her work on Instagram.

"2021 had so many opportunities for us to step up in taking care of the environment. I'm so hopeful and grateful because of the youth that is stepping up in powerful ways creating solutions, reconnecting with ancestral ways of caring for the environment, and leading us all to a brighter future."


Chris Liu

Chris Liu_Actvist

 Chris organizes and leads trips for Outdoor Asian and the only thing he loves more than spending time outdoors is helping others fall in love with it.

“I’m grateful for the sense of community and belonging that Outdoor Asian has been able to provide for me. Organizations like OA are important because they create a safe space where we can create shared experiences in an authentic way, where we can uplift and celebrate our many unique cultures, and where we can reconnect with our history and learn new narratives about how our ancestors have cared for and tended to the land. PLUS there’s always good food at our gatherings!”

Karyn Good

 Karyn Good_ActivistKaryn is a 43-year-old community organizer based in Lincoln, Montana.

"It’s no surprise that 2021 offered many challenges because of the pandemic. Lincoln Prosperity Proposal members decided to forge ahead after laying relatively low in much of 2020, by hosting virtual public meetings. What we found was that people care about conservation and they want to act locally. I feel motivated heading into 2022 to build upon that momentum!"


Perry Cohen

Perry Cohen_Activist Perry Cohen is the founder and Executive Director of The Venture Out Project, a non-profit that builds LGBTQ+ community through outdoor adventure. Follow his Instagram and Facebook.

"As we reemerged from the most challenging times of the pandemic, we really weren't sure what people's comfort level would be gathering and engaging in group activities. But the support from participants and donors alike was incredible. Looking to 2022, we feel reinvigorated and excited to show up for our community!"