Today, the Biden Administration announced plans to advance renewable energy development on public lands and waters, including a historic offshore wind lease sale off the coasts of New York and New Jersey.
In response, The Wilderness Society released the following statement from Vice President of Strategy and Results Chase Huntley:
“The progress this administration has made to advance offshore wind and other renewable energy deployment is a valuable asset to a national climate strategy, although these announcements should not overshadow the long-awaited steps that must also be taken to ensure public lands and waters are an integral part of our nation’s climate solutions.
“Today’s announcements are welcome. We appreciate the restoration of Renewable Energy Coordination Offices for public lands and the central importance of early and meaningful engagement with Tribes and other communities historically excluded from discussions about planning and siting energy infrastructure. This rhetoric must be realized by the implementing agencies for these historic initiatives to be truly successful.
“But the administration needs to be turning all the knobs as far as they can for the sake of climate, especially on public lands. That includes protections for old growth and other carbon storing lands, and most importantly, an aggressive plan to wind down fossil energy production that ensures support for transitioning communities.”
Alex Thompson, Senior Communications Manager, 860-416-0564,