Warmer global temperatures are wreaking havoc on our climate and increasing the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, including wildfires, drought, heatwaves and hurricanes. Tribal communities, working-class communities and communities of color are most impacted.
But we have the power to make a difference. We can pressure our leaders to listen to those most impacted by the climate crisis and to make public lands part of the climate solution instead of the problem. This action toolkit will get you started. Let's dig in and get to work!
Climate change is happening here, and it's happening now. Let us know how you and your community are being impacted so that we can work together to find solutions to this pressing challenge.
We are living the impacts of climate change in real-time in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing economic upheaval. Ask Congress to lead a strong, integrated response to these compounding crises.
The “PEOPLE Act” would ensure the federal government conducts robust public participation and proper Tribal consultation before opening up public lands to oil and gas drilling that fuel climate change.