
You’re the last fox on earth. Can you avoid extinction?

A mother fox and kits walk across a pipeline used as a bridge between two landscapes. A polluting factory is seen in the background.

New game “Endling” offers cautionary tale

Video games are a vast, diverse medium. They allow us to connect virtually with friends across the planet, escape to magical realms and explore lands long gone. They enable escapist adventures where one can save the world as a mighty superhero or become a mischievous goose that steals gardening tools. Some even teach us how to fix a car or fly a plane.

While games can be a much-needed escape from reality, they’re not all feel-good romps. Many have critical messages baked into them and can be powerful tools for change, raising awareness about social issues through gameplay and story. A new game from Herobeat Studios, Endling, tells us the story of a family of foxes and how they must endure the consequences of human neglect and inaction on environmental threats.

Endling tells of a dystopian future of an overexploited Earth where the extinction crisis has devastated wildlife (unfortunately, that’s not so far-fetched).

Watch the trailer below:


As the last mother fox on Earth, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

The player is immersed in a world that has been destroyed by industrial greed, all seen from the perspective of the last mother fox on Earth. You are tasked with keeping yourself and your adorable little cubs alive. You must feed them, defend them, watch them grow, teach them vital survival skills and more.


After one of your precious cubs is stolen, you must do whatever it takes to track their scent and, hopefully, reunite with them. At the same time, you must brave industrial destruction and pollution and avoid the many hostile humans out to catch you. The stakes couldn’t be higher: it’s up to you to survive, navigate your hostile environment and find your pup, all to ensure that your species doesn’t go extinct.

Endling is a reminder of what could happen if we allow the extinction crisis to go unchecked.

Scientists agree that we’re now entering the sixth mass extinction event in the planet’s history. But unlike other mass extinctions, this one is being driven by human activity. Species are fading away at an abnormal rate due to climate change, pollution, industrial-scale agriculture land-use, the spread of invasive species and diseases and other factors directly caused by human behavior. 

This extinction crisis threatens everyone and everything, including people. It affects our health, food, ability to fight climate change and more. Endling is a reminder of what could happen if we allow the extinction crisis to get worse and fail to swiftly act upon it.

In a wintery landscape, fox kit is in the foreground with snow on his head, the mother fox watches him in the background.

In all, Endling is an atmospheric game that makes the player confront the future consequences of human-driven environmental destruction. Its stunning visuals, adorable foxes, beautiful soundtrack and nail-biting storyline make it a captivating platform to show people far and wide the exact reason why we need to act now and do all we can to address the extinction crisis.

Click here to check out Endling.