
How hard is it for some communities to access the outdoors? Our video series explores

Video participants in front of green background

Video series highlights outdoor access issues

In order to visit his neighborhood park in East Portland, Ore., Som has to cross a dangerous highway. In Seattle, Eya has to travel three hours round-trip to visit the beach. For Matt, in Miami, the closest green space is a cemetery. Across the U.S., millions of people face challenges like these when they try to spend time in nature. Those obstacles include lack of nearby quality parks, limited or nonexistent transit options and costly park entrance fees.

Tell Congress
Increase access to the outdoors
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Some communities face more barriers to getting outside than others. Communities of color are three times more likely to live in nature-deprived areas, and low-income communities have significantly less access to nature than the rest of the country. Outdoor access is an equity issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.  

To highlight the issue of inequitable access to nature, we asked folks from across the country to take us with them on a trip to a nearby park. The goal of this project is to show what it’s like for Eya, Matt, Som, Jacob and millions of other people to try to access nearby parks and green spaces.

Check out their stories, and then tell Congress to prioritize funding for outdoor access to make sure that nature is accessible to all.

Eya: Seattle, WA
Jacob: Los Angeles, CA
Som: East Portland, OR
Matt: Miami, FL

We all need access to nature. Right now, Congress has the unique opportunity to pass legislation that will help ensure that everyone can get outdoors.

Tell Congress
Vote YES on outdoor equity
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